

Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) simplifies the process of registration of technology transfer agreements


In brief

On December 30, 2022, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) published the minute of an internal meeting held by its Office’s board (by means of SEI INPI # 0747049) in which the BPTO considerably simplified the process of registration of technology transfer, licenses for industrial property rights and franchising agreements.
The changes follow suggestions proposed by experts and were debated and accepted by the BPTO on the 28th.The procedures for the implementation of this decision starts immediately.

Besides reducing bureaucracy for registration of technology agreements in Brazil, these changes represent an important step forward for the BPTO, with the adoption of new understandings and actions aligned with the best international practices, such as those that guide public policies to encourage technological innovation in OECD countries. 

The innovations will certainly bring greater dynamism and speed in the signing of these types of agreements, by preserving the contractual autonomy of the parties and, at the same time, allowing registration of agreements in an easier and less bureaucratic way.

New understandings of the BPTO

The BPTO reviewed its position regarding two important topics:

Changes and new formal requirements of the BPTO

We prepared a summary table comparing procedures and formalities previously adopted by the BPTO for registration of agreements and proposed changes in this sense:

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