



The Transportation Manifest of Industrial Waste (MTR – Manifesto de Transporte de Resíduos), document which must accompany the transportation of industrial waste in the national territory will be mandatory as of January 01st, 2021 for all those waste generators subject to the preparation of a Management Plan on Solid Waste, as set forth by Ordinance No. 280/2020 of the Ministry of Environment.

The online tool for the issuance of the MTR will be available at the National System for Information on the Management of Solid Waste (SINIR):

The generator of waste will be exclusively responsible for issuing the MTR form on SINIR for each shipment of waste for final destination. Non-compliance with the MTR obligations may subject the responsible parties to penalties established by environmental laws.

Watch out: State Environmental Protection Agencies that prefer to maintain their own systems for the analysis and control of information provided by waste generators must guarantee integration of the information with the National System. That is the case of the States of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, where the interested parties must input their waste information into the state systems, with no need to use SINIR. For the transportation of industrial waste in the other states, information must be provided through SINIR.

It is important to mention that, in the State of São Paulo, the new SIGOR online tool, which will make such integration with the National MTR, does not dismiss waste generators from requesting the CADRI (certificate of transport for wastes of environmental interest). In practice, waste generators in that State must both request the issuance of the CADRI to CETESB and input their information on the transportation of waste to SIGOR, the state online system.Moreover, all parties involved in the generation of waste (i.e. generators, transporters, temporary keepers and recipients) must enroll in SINIR and input their information related to the MTR, keeping information about generation, storage, transportation and receipt of waste up to date.
In regard to the obligations of each party, the Ordinance establishes the following:

Generator – must input information about generated waste on SINIR. The generator must certify that the transporter and recipient are duly regularized for the execution of their services according to existing rules. In a yearly basis, generators must report complementary information to those already declared on the MTR, relating to the previous year, for the preparation of the National Inventory of Solid Waste. Such complementary information must be provided until March 31st, starting in 2021.

Transporter – after the generator issues the MTR, the transporter must keep a digital or printed copy of the document during the entire travel/transport.

Recipient – the recipient must input to SINIR its acceptance of the waste received, after which the respective MTRs must be terminated on the system, editing eventual adjustments and corrections until 10 days after the waste is received. The recipient will be responsible for issuing the Final Destination Certificate (CDF), ensuring to the generator that environmental proper destination has been given to the waste received.
Our Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change Team is available to offer further assistance on the matter.
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