


Public Consultation regarding abusive action by federal regulators


Last Wednesday, the Advocacy and Competition Law Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy (“SEAE”) published the Public Consultation no. 02/2021, through which it seeks to receive contributions on potential abusive or excessive actions by federal regulators. The contributions will be used by SEAE to develop a public policy proposal that helps and directs the activities of such regulators.

The public consultation lists thirteen specific hypotheses in relation to which SEAE seeks to receive contributions, such as regulatory overreach, violation of the Economic Freedom Act, excessive or improper activity, regulatory omission, omission with competitive loss, among others. SEAE will accept contributions only in relation to the conduct of Regulatory Agencies, CVM, CNEN, INMETRO, PREVIC and SUSEP.

The manifestations will be received anonymously by SEAE until April, 2nd 2021. Our office has a dedicated team to assist you in preparing contributions for the public consultation.

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