

Now open: Sunset review of antidumping duties applicable to Brazilian imports of grinding balls for mills from India


In brief

SECEX* published on 06.16.2023 an official notice of initiation of a new sunset review investigation against Brazilian imports of grinding balls for mills from India (Circular No. 23, dated of 06.15.2023).

The investigated product is mainly used for the grinding of ores in mills.

The duties remain in force during the sunset review and, at the end of the proceeding, they may be renewed for additional five years.

The full version of the official notice of initiation is available here.

Relevance of interested parties participation

Active participation of importers, exporters and any other interested parties in the sunset review may be decisive to ensure a more favorable final determination to the interested party in question. Interested parties can submit their applications to participate in the proceeding until July 10, 2023, provided that they demonstrate the extent to what they are affected by the measure in force.

Furthermore, interested parties may request the initiation of a public interest investigation to be conducted in parallel to the antidumping investigation. Within the scope of this related investigation, the authority will analyze, based on economic information and studies submitted by the parties, whether the extension of the antidumping duty in force is a measure that serves the public interest or whether its suspension or alteration would better serve such a purpose.

More details

Please see in the chart below further information about the investigation:

*The Brazilian Secretariat of Foreign Trade
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