


Ministry of Environment launches The Forest + Program


Ordinance No. 288/2020 from the Ministry of Environment (“MMA”) was published earlier this Friday (3 July 2020) on the Federal Official Gazette, creating the Payment for Environmental Services National Program, named “Forest + Program”.

The goal of the Program is to encourage the creation of a private market of payment for environmental services, in order to ensure the conservation and protection of native vegetation in all national biomes, in addition to establishing public policies aimed at fighting climate change.

Among its instruments, the Ordinance establishes the encouragement of sectoral agreements that generate the demand for environmental services, as well as the implementation of a pilot project in Amazon with REDD+ funds.

The MMA intends to raise the funds to promote the Program from partnerships with public and private entities, both national and international.

The MMA’s Forest and Sustainable Development Secretariat will coordinate the Program and establish rules with requirements and deadlines.

Our Environment and Sustainability Team is available to further clarifications about this matter.

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