

Federal Treasury Department publishes new public notice for the special settlement agreement of debts registered as overdue liability certificates


In brief

On May 25, 2023, the Federal Treasury Department published the Public Notice PGDAU n. 3, which provides for a new special settlement agreement by adhesion for debts registered as overdue liability certificates, whose discounts and payment conditions will be determined according to the payment capacity of the taxpayer and/or classification of debts as unrecoverable and difficult to recover. There is also provision for payment in installments of debts registered in overdue liability certificates that are guaranteed by Insurance Bond or Bank Bond.

More details

The Attorney General’s Office of the National Treasury published a new public notice with proposals for special settlement agreement by adhesion in line with the last one previously made. The new public notice has wording very similar to Public Notice PGDAU n. 2, of January 17, 2023, which remains in force until May 31, 2023.

Below we share the main information of this new Public Notice:

  • Deadline to join: from 06/01/2023 to 09/29/2023
  • Eligible debts: all debts registered in the Federal Government’s as overdue liability certificates, even in the stage of judicial execution or subject to a previous rescinded installment plan, with or without suspended liability, whose consolidated value to be negotiated is equal to or less than BRL 50,000,000.00 (fifty million reais).  
  • Adhesion conditions: cover all eligible overdue liability certificates that are not guaranteed, in installment programs or suspended by court decision, partial adherence is not allowed and the combination of one or more available installment programs is allowed.
  • Adhesion modalities contained in the Public Notice*:

*We will not address the “Small value special settlement agreement”, whose target public is limited to individuals, individual micro-entrepreneurs, micro-enterprises or small businesses that have debts with a consolidated amount of up to BRL 79,200.00 and whose debt is registered in overdue liability certificate of the National Treasury for more than one year.

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