

Federal Government establishes the National Policy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Genetic Resources for Food, Agriculture and Livestock


In summary

The Special Secretariat for Legal Affairs published Decree No. 12,097 of July 3, 2024, which establishes the National Policy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Genetic Resources for Food, Agriculture and Livestock. The policy will be implemented in cooperation with the states, the Federal District, municipalities, civil society and private entities.

More details

The Decree is based on Law No. 13,123 of May 20, 2015, the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, promulgated by Decree No. 6,476 of June 5, 2008, and the Convention on Biological Diversity, promulgated by Decree No. 2,519 of March 16, 1998.This policy aims to (i) conserve, sustainably use, protect and enhance genetic resources for food, agriculture and livestock farming; (ii) ensure food and nutrition sovereignty and security; (iii) ensure adequate nutrition; (iv) expand knowledge and enhance genetic resources for food, agriculture and livestock farming; (v) expand the genetic base of breeding programs carried out by research institutions.

The guidelines of the standard, in general, establish the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources with fair sharing of benefits, the promotion of the strategic importance of genetic resources, the incentive of research and adoption of new technologies, documentation and availability of scientific information, training of human resources and other guidelines addressed in the article.

In addition to presenting the instruments of the National Policy, the decree also defines that governance will be carried out through a Management Committee, which will be made up of representatives from the government and civil society, also guaranteeing the participation of indigenous population, traditional communities and family farmers.

Through proposals from the Management Committee, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Farming and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change may jointly issue complementary rules to the Decree.

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