

Equal Pay Law: companies must declare the information on the “Portal Emprega Brasil” by February 28, 2025


In brief

Companies can now access the “Portal Emprega Brasil” to fill out the Declaration of Equal Pay and Remuneration Criteria for the first half of 2025, which must be completed by February 28, 2025.

In accordance with the current regulations on the subject (Decree No. 11.795/2023, Ordinance No. 3.714/2023 and Normative Instruction No. 6/2024), the information declared on the Portal will be part of Section II of the Salary and Remuneration Criteria Transparency Report.

The Ministry of Labor will use the information declared by companies on the “Portal Emprega Brasil”, as well as other data already regularly transmitted on eSocial, to issue and publish the Transparency Report. According to recent information provided by the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE), the report for the first half of the year will be made available to companies by March 17 of this year.

Companies will have until March 31 to publicize the report on their websites and social networks, in order to grant visibility of the results to their employees, workers and the general public.

Reminder: recommended actions

It is crucial that companies are prepared to submit the information requested by the Ministry of Labor and Employment to comply with the recently implemented obligations on the matter.

In addition, companies should complete their internal analysis of the current elements of equal pay and its remuneration criteria to anticipate any necessary adjustments to internal practices and prevent risks from materializing.

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Trench Rossi Watanabe
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