

Brazil: Updates on the release of the Wage Transparency Report by the Ministry of Labor


In brief

Last Friday (March 15th, 2024), the release of the Wage Transparency Report for companies with 100 or more employees caused distress.

This is because it was available for the general public, in opposition to the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Labor.

The Ministry of Labor informed that the Reports were not released so far, as the agency is finalizing the data analysis. According to the agency, the Wage Transparency Report will be released on March 21st, 2024, at the Emprega Brasil website and only the person responsible for registering the company’s data will be able to access it before it is published to the general public.

Recommended actions

Considering the incident, it is essential to observe the deadlines related to the release and the publication of the Wage Transparency Report:

  • March, 21st, 2024 – Date set for the Ministry of Labor to make the Wage Transparency Report available for the companies;
  • March, 31st, 2024 – Final date for companies to publish the Report on their websites, social networks or similar tools to ensure that it is widely disseminated to their employees and the general public.
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