


Brazil: The rapporteur of the Income Tax Reform officially presents changes to the original proposal, but voting is uncertain and may still suffer ammendments


In brief

On 08/12/2021, Congressman Celso Sabino (PSDB-PA), the rapporteur of the Brazilian Income Tax reform Bill of Law (PL 2,337/2021), officially presented changes to the original bill proposed by the Federal Government.

The Bill of Law published on 12/08/2021 (which includes the changes made by Celso Sabino) replaces the original bill. Although this is, in theory, the version to be voted by the Chamber of Deputies,  PL 2,337/2021 may still be subject to several changes proposed by Deputies and, later, by Senators and by the President of the Republic, in the course of the legislative process.

We remind you that, on 08/03/2021, Celso Sabino submitted to the Chamber of Deputies a request for PL 2,337/2021 to be processed with urgency. The request was accepted on 08/04/2021, which means that it may be voted by the Plenary of the Legislative House within a short period of time. The deputies started the discussions at the plenary session on 8/17/2021, but the vote has been postponed without yet a definite date to take place.

Please see below a comparison of the main aspects of the original Bill of Law and of the replacement one proposed on 08/12/2021. Considering the uncertainties surrounding PL 2,337/2021, we will continue to monitor the progress of the bill and its next steps.

Click here for more details

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