

Brazil: Federal government postpones to 2025 new visa requirements for citizens from Australia, Canada and the US


In brief

The Brazilian government has postponed the requirement for visitor visas for citizens of Australia, Canada and the United States to enter the country until April 10, 2025.

The measure was published in an extra edition of the Official Gazette by means of Decree No. 11.982, of April 9, 2024.

This comes as a result of a direct intervention from the Ministries of Tourism, Ports and Airports, as well as the operational difficulties encountered by citizens of these countries in issuing the electronic visit visa (“eVisa”). In this context, the Federal Government postponed the requirement to allow more time for preparation and full implementation of the procedure.

Recommended actions

Considering the postponement of the eVisa requirement, citizens from Australia, Canada and the United States are able to continue entering the country without the need for a visa for specific purposes related to tourism and/or business.

We recommend, however, that the eVisa be issued for trips planned to Brazil closer to April 2025, to avoid possible questionings by the Brazilian authorities.

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31º andar - Edifício EZ Towers
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