


Anvisa published new Resolution on Good Practices for the Distribution, Storage and Transport of Drugs


ANVISA published on October 9, in the Official Gazette the new Resolution of the Collegiate Board – RDC nº 430/2020 providing for the Good Practices of Distribution, Storage and Transport of Drugs.
This new Resolution revokes Resolution No. 304/2019, which was published almost a year ago, but had not yet entered into force. ANVISA maintained the important innovations provided for in the revoked resolution, such as, for example, the possibility of having more than one distributor in the distribution chain.
An important point addressed by the new Resolution is that all parties involved in the production, storage, distribution and transport must be held responsible for the quality and safety of medicines. Shared responsibility covers collection actions, regardless of whether it was motivated by the health authority, the registration holder, distributor or the logistics operator.
Ordinance No. 802/98 will remain in effect until March 16, 2021, the date on which both will be revoked and RDC No. 430/2020 will enter into force.

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