

RECOGNITION::: LACCA Approved 2024


The Latin American Corporate Counsel Association (LACCA) has released the 2024 edition of LACCA Approved. Published annually, this guide selects the most relevant lawyers in Latin America in various areas, through surveys of general counsel from companies in the region.

We had 30 professionals listed in 13 categories, adding up to 35 individual recognitions. Among these lawyers, 12 were recognized as Thought Leaders in 12 categories, for a total of 17 individual recognitions, while 18 were named Approved Lawyers.

We were also featured in the publication as one of the Brazilian law firms with the highest number of nominations (considering both Approved Lawyers and Thought Leaders). Once again, we had the highest number of Approved Lawyers in the tax category, with seven professionals recognized.

Partner Adriana Stamato retained the top spot as the most recommended in tax. Marcio Polto, partner and leader of our Civil Litigation group, was the most voted lawyer in litigation in the region for the third year running. Associate Daniele Resende received the second highest number of votes in the Corporate and M&A category.

We congratulate our lawyers on these excellent results, the fruit of daily work carried out with great quality and commitment.

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Trench Rossi Watanabe
São Paulo
Rua Arq. Olavo Redig de Campos, 105
31º andar - Edifício EZ Towers
Torre A | 04711-904
São Paulo - SP - Brasil

Rio de Janeiro
Rua Lauro Muller, 116 - Conj. 2802
Ed. Rio Sul Center | 22290-906
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil

Saf/s Quadra 02 - Lote 04 - Sala 203
Ed. Comercial Via Esplanada | 70070-600
Brasília - Distrito Federal - Brasil

Porto alegre
Av. Soledade, 550
Cj. 403 e 404 | 90470-340
Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil

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