

IAM Patent 1000


Our Intellectual Property practice area was once again recognized by IAM Patent 1000, a renowned and important ranking directory in the patent area that identifies specialists worldwide.

Partners Flavia Rebello and Marcela Trigo were recommended in the “Transactions” category due to the high quality of the advice they provide on licensing and transactions, as well as their expertise in innovation.

Marcela was also recognized in the “Litigation” category. According to the publication, litigation is a strong point of Marcela, who is very strategic in disputes.

We are grateful for these recognitions, which reflect our constant commitment to our clients’ needs.

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Trench Rossi Watanabe
São Paulo
Rua Arq. Olavo Redig de Campos, 105
31º andar - Edifício EZ Towers
Torre A | 04711-904
São Paulo - SP - Brasil

Rio de Janeiro
Rua Lauro Muller, 116 - Conj. 2802
Ed. Rio Sul Center | 22290-906
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil

Saf/s Quadra 02 - Lote 04 - Sala 203
Ed. Comercial Via Esplanada | 70070-600
Brasília - Distrito Federal - Brasil

Porto alegre
Av. Soledade, 550
Cj. 403 e 404 | 90470-340
Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil

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