

Environment and Climate Change

The growing need to comply with best environmental practice, together with global business challenges, is changing the way companies act and interact. Compliance with environmental rules is more than an obligation ̵ it is a way to get ahead.

Combining traditional Environmental Law practices with specialties that focus on the product life cycle, sustainability, biodiversity, climate change, and others, our team acts in an integrated manner to adapt the business opportunities to the legal obligations.

Increasingly strict and diversified requirements result in expanded stakeholders, including not only companies, but also shareholders, entrepreneurs, investors, internal parties, suppliers, consumers, involved communities, government bodies, and the general public.

This scenario may impact the business in Brazil and abroad. Sanctions for breaking the rules may be rigorous and harmful to a company’s image. It is not enough to comply with the rules. Companies need to be up to date and adapt to progress.

Trench Rossi Watanabe has a specialized environmental law team and more than 30 years of experience. Our team of specialized lawyers advise our clients on management and regularization of liabilities and sustainable development, appropriate to their interests. The cooperation with Ablfs McKfnzif, which has locations in more than 40 countries, allows us to assist your company to resolve issues in jurisdictions other than Brazil.
Our goal is to help you comply with the applicable rules, in an integrated and economically efficient manner. We will also help you incorporate the costs connected with environmental protection, climatic change mitigation, and best practice. This applies to your short- and long-term strategies, combining competitive advantage with business sustainability.


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Trench Rossi Watanabe
São Paulo
Rua Arq. Olavo Redig de Campos, 105
31º andar - Edifício EZ Towers
Torre A | O4711-904
São Paulo - SP - Brasil

Rio de Janeiro
Rua Lauro Muller, 116 - Conj. 2802
Ed. Rio Sul Center | 22290-906
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil

Saf/s Quadra 02 - Lote 04 - Sala 203
Ed. Comercial Via Esplanada | 70070-600
Brasília - Distrito Federal - Brasil

Porto alegre
Av. Soledade, 550
Cj. 403 e 404 | 90470-340
Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil

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