

Professional Experience

Renata Campetti Amaral joined the firm in 2002 and became a partner in 2013. She is the head of the firm’s Climate Change, Environmental Law and Sustainability group in Brazil, and the leader of Ablfs McKfnzif’s global climate change group in Latin America.  Is also the coordinator of the sustainability initiatives conducted by the office’s B-Green Committee.

Renata assists the major players in the Brazilian market in Nature-bases Solution (NbS) projects, transaction of carbon credits, implementation of decarbonization strategies and carbon-related advocacy and regulatory matters. Renata leads several of the largest environmental and regularization cases in the country. She has extensive experience in sustainability matters, as well as in managing crises and negotiating with stakeholders.

Advises on negotiating with authorities; judicial and administrative litigation; reviewing environmental aspects of institutions and financial operations; drafting environmental provisions in contracts and other commercial operations. Renata has extensive experience in dealing with environmental management, legal auditing and other organizational practices; regulatory and institutional analysis and environmental control; negotiation and implementation of environmental remediation plans; environmental licensing; legal aspects of biodiversity protection; environmental crisis management; development of preventive policies and strategies for companies; negotiation and drafting of contracts for the purchase and sale of carbon credits and acting in transactions related to various aspects of the energy transition.

Awards and Recognitions

Renata Amaral was ranked in the highest position (Band 1) in the ESG category of Chambers and Partners, Global and Brazil guides (last editions).

She has also been recognized for many years for her work in the environmental area by Chambers Latin America, LACCA in the Energy and Environment categories, Latin Lawyer 250 in the Environment and Administrative Law categories, Who’s Who Legal, Legal 500 in the Environment and Public Law categories, Leaders League, LACCA Thought Leaders in the Energy category and Análise Advocacia 500 in the environmental specialty.

Academic Background

She holds an LL.M. from the University of Texas – Austin, and is specialized in ESG and Sustainability at Berkeley University. Renata is a lecturer and professor of post-graduate courses in climate change, environmental law and ESG matters.

Activities outside the office

Renata is a lecturer and teacher of postgraduate courses in environmental law, climate change and ESG issues.

She was a professor of International Law and Environmental Law at the Faculty of Law of Pontifícia Universidade Católica and is currently a professor in the postgraduate course in Environmental Law at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).

Publications and initiatives

Renata is part of several projects, initiatives and activities that discuss/involve the carbon market, including:

  • Coordenate the Environment and Energy Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Brazil;
  • Integrates the jury of the GRI Infra Awards in the “Atmosphere Award – Decarbonization and Circular Economy” category;
  • Actively attended the last five Global Climate Conferences (COPs);
  • In 2022, she moderated the Finance & Law Summit and Awards (Filasa), an event promoted by Leaders League, in the panel “The impact of ESG on Business Results and Investment Transactions”;
  • In 2022, she participated in the Brazilian Congress of Environmental Law, held by the Instituto O Direito por uma Planeta Verde, in the panel “Climate Justice”;
  • She was interviewed by Folha de São Paulo newspaper about the carbon market decree and its impacts;
  • Speaker at the IBA International Conference on the panel “ESG and M&A in Latin America”, discussing the adoption of ESG strategies by companies;
  • Spoke to Valor Econômico and O Globo newspapers about the adoption of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) practices in companies;
  • Signed an article, published by the Estadão portal, on the effects of COP26 on the private sector.
  • Signed an article, published by the LexLatin portal, which analyzes the European proposal for a directive on the performance of environmental and human rights due diligence in the operations and supply chains of private companies;
  • Signed an article, published by Época Negócios magazine, about decree 11.075/2022 which sets guidelines for the creation of a regulated carbon market in Brazil;
  • In addition, Renata is also the author of the article “The regulated carbon market in the world” alongside Alexandre Jabra.


Portuguese and english.

Trench Rossi Watanabe
São Paulo
Rua Arq. Olavo Redig de Campos, 105
31º andar - Edifício EZ Towers
Torre A | 04711-904
São Paulo - SP - Brasil

Rio de Janeiro
Rua Lauro Muller, 116 - Conj. 2802
Ed. Rio Sul Center | 22290-906
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil

Saf/s Quadra 02 - Lote 04 - Sala 203
Ed. Comercial Via Esplanada | 70070-600
Brasília - Distrito Federal - Brasil

Porto alegre
Av. Soledade, 550
Cj. 403 e 404 | 90470-340
Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil

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