Daniel Facó
OAB SP - Nº 198027
Expertise: Capital Markets (Debt and Equity), Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions
Professional Experience
Partner and head of Trench Rossi Watanabe’s transactional practice areas, Daniel represents shareholders, issuers, financial institutions and investors in a variety of operations, including mergers and acquisitions, equity and debt public offerings involving enterprises from different sectors of the economy. He became partner in 2019.
Practice Focus
Specialized in Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Law and Capital Markets.
News, Events and Publications
– Speaker at the First Annual Institute on “Current Developments in Latin American Cross-Border Securities Transactions” on the topic “Developments in SEC and CVM Regulations for Easing Issuer Market Access”, promoted by the Practicing Law Institute, São Paulo, Brazil, September 2013
– “Sociedade de Economia Mista e Mercado de Capitais”, Temas de Direito Bancário e do Mercado de Capitais, Organizadores Prof. Luiz Leonardo Cantidiano e Igor Muniz, Rio de Janeiro: Renovar, 2014.
– “Diferenças entre Companhias Abertas e Fechadas”, Guia de Acesso ao Mercado de Capitais para Companhias Brasileiras, Coordenadores Marcelo Siqueira e etc., Rio de Janeiro: RR Donnlley, 2014. – Since 2019, Daniel has been ranked by the British publication Chambers and Partners as leading individual lawyer (Band 1) in Capital Markets in Brazil.
– Since 2019, Daniel has been ranked by the British publication Chambers and Partners as leading individual lawyer (Band 1) in Capital Markets in Brazil.
Professional Associations and Memberships
– Admitted since 1996 by the Brazilian Bar Association, currently enrolled within the Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Distrito Federal Sections. – Admitted since 2001 by New York State Bar Association.
Professional Associations and Memberships
– Admitted since 1996 by the Brazilian Bar Association, currently enrolled within the Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Distrito Federal Sections.
– Admitted since 2001 by New York State Bar Association.
Bachelor degree granted in 1995 by the Law School of Universidade Federal of Rio de Janeiro. Fullbright Fellowship to attend the specialization course “Foundations of American Law and Legal Education” at the Law School da Georgetown University in 1997. Master (LL.M.) degree granted by Harvard Law School in 1999 (focused on Corporate Law). Specialization certificate on Executive Education from Harvard Law School on the matter of “Leadership in Law Firms”, 2013.