

Biodiversity – CGen Resolution approves extending SISGEN registration deadline


On October 11, 2019, Resolution No. 23 was published to repeal Resolution No. 14, both issued by the National Council of Genetic Heritage Management (“CGen”). The new Resolution adjusts the deadline related to the availability of the National System for the Management of Genetic Heritage and Associated Traditional Knowledge (“SISGEN”) to register activities involving access to biodiversity in Brazil.

Resolution No. 14, now repealed, set October 19, 2019 as the deadline to register with SISGEN, in accordance with Law No. 13,123 / 2015. However, the current platform does not allow the user to provide the information required by law to register, in particular the number of registered access to genetic heritage that originated the intermediate product obtained from third parties.

Given this context, the new Resolution provides that the one-year period to regularize activities will be counted from the date the new version of SISGEN becomes available, which will include improvements to resolve all inconsistencies previously verified.

Authorities have not yet confirmed the date when the new version of SISGEN will be launched or when the one-year deadline will start.

We are available to further clarify this matter.

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