

Now Open: Sunset Review of Antidumping Duties in force against Brazilian Imports of stainless steel welded tubes from China


In brief

The SECEX (the Brazilian Secretariat of International Trade) initiated on 25th July the sunset review of the antidumping duties in force against Brazilian imports of stainless steel welded tubes, from China, commonly classified under the NCM codes 7306.40.00 and 7306.90.20.

Stainless steel welded tubes are used to conduct fluids in equipment structures for various industries such as pulp and paper, chemicals and petrochemicals, sugar and alcohol, beverages and food, electrical resistance and refrigeration, marine, automotive, capital goods in general and construction. They are also widely used in the furniture and architectural industries.

The full text of the Official Notice of Initiation of the sunset review (in Portuguese) is available in the following link.

Relevance of stakeholder participation

Active participation of importers, exporters, and any other interested parties in the investigation may be decisive in securing a more favorable outcome. Interested parties can request to be admitted as parties in the investigation until 14 August 2024*, provided they demonstrate the extent to which they could be affected by the imposition of the antidumping duty.

  • Deadline for replying to the Importer’s Questionnaire: 30 days as of acknowledgement of receipt (presumed 3 days after the date of electronic transmission by the authority);
  • Deadline for replying to the Exporter’s Questionnaire: 30 days as of acknowledgement of receipt (presumed 7 days after the date of electronic transmission by the authority).

Usually a public interest assessment may be requested only after the conclusion of the trade remedies investigation, as established by SECEX Ordinance No. 282/2023. (Additional information is available in our Legal Alert on the subject).

More details

This sunset review was initiated upon the request of Aperam Inox Tubos Brasil Ltda.

  • Investigated product: Welded tubes of austenitic stainless steel, grades 304 and 316, of circular cross-section, with an external diameter of 1/4 inch (6 mm) or more but not more than 80 inches (2,032 mm), with a thickness of 0.40 mm or more but not more than 12.70 mm
  • Uses: Used to conduct fluids in equipment structures for various industries such as pulp and paper, chemicals and petrochemicals, sugar and alcohol, beverages and food, electrical resistance and refrigeration, marine, automotive, capital goods in general and construction. They are also widely used in the furniture and architectural industries.
  • Dumping Margin – China: 1,340.52 US$/t / 44.9%


*20-day deadline, pursuant to Article 45, paragraph third, of the Decree No. 8,058/2013, accounted for in a conservative manner.

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