

IBAMA publishes Directive establishing new system for Forest Origin Traceability Document (DOF+)


In brief

IBAMA Directive No. 16 (“Directive“), which became effective on December, 5th 2022, introduced the system for the Forestry Traceability Source Document (“DOF+“) as a tool for issuance, management and monitoring of mandatory licenses for the transport and storage of forestry products from native species in Brazil.

More details 

This system will control all new authorizations for forestry activities issued by the Forestry Products Origin Control National System (Sinaflor) or sent to it by the integrated state systems as of December, 5th. The system can be accessed through the IBAMA website.

In addition, the Directive established that both new and old systems will coexist until the data transition is completed. It also stipulated transition rules.

It is worth mentioning that the old system is the one established by MMA Ordinance No. 253/2006 and regulated by IBAMA Directive No. 21/2014 and amendments.

As such, the Directive foresees that yards already operating and authorizations issued prior to the implementation of the DOF+ system should remain in the old system until the data migration to the new one. IBAMA will define the deadline for the data migration.

During the systems transition period, the forestry products registered in the systems must be transported with the documents issued by the respective systems (DOF or DOF+), even in the event of a single freight — in such case, it will be admitted under the same invoice referenced in both transport documents.
Once any irregularity is verified, eventual administrative infraction will be restricted to the corresponding products of the respective transport document.

The conversion of forestry products through industrial or semi-mechanized processes must also be registered in the new DOF+ system.

Moreover, Annex IV of the Directive contains the technical glossary for the registration of raw and processed products in the mentioned system, adopting only secondarily the definitions of Annex III of Directive No. 21/2014, which regulates the old system.

The Directive also stipulates that the state’s own forestry product registration systems will be integrated with the DOF+ by 30 June 2023. Until then, the information updates on forestry products originated in the states that hold their own systems and destined to other states must remain in the old system.

Finally, there were changes in the old system regulation (IBAMA Directive No. 21/2014) regarding customs terminal transport and export registration. It will also be applied to the new system.

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